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Dr. Steven Shandley

Dr. Steven Shandley, DDS


[Specialty: ]
4885 Hoffman Blvd Suite #300 , Hoffman Estates, Illinois, 60192, USA(847) 454-7828
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Dr. Steven Shandley - DCA Association Badge   
4885 Hoffman Blvd Suite #300 , Hoffman Estates, Illinois, 60192,
(847) 454-7828

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Dr. Shandley was born and raised in San Diego, CA. The eldest of 10 children, growing up in a large family taught him to be patient, to accept and shoulder responsibility and to always be aware of the needs of others. These qualities have carried forward into his life and dental practice. He practices dentistry while focusing on his patients’ individual concerns and together with his patients, develops a unique treatment plan for each patient’s needs. Dr. Shandley completed his undergraduate education at the University of San Diego. He lived at home and commuted to school for four years, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology. He attended Northwestern University Dental School where he was elected Student Council Class President. Upon completion of dental school, he chose to further his education in the general practice residency program at Illinois Masonic Medical Center. He was asked to stay a second year as the chief resident in the Department of Dentistry. This tenure proved to be a great experience in treating dental emergencies, treating physically and mentally compromised patients as well as working closely with the ENT surgeons to coordinate treatment for head and neck cancer patients. Dr. Shandley founded his private practice in 1982 in Hoffman Estates and helped open the Illinois Masonic Center for Family Medicine satellite dental clinic for six years before focusing exclusively on his private practice. His personal interests include: running and bicycling, he has competed in several marathons and triathlons, as well as, scuba diving, fishing, and spending time with his wife Liz and three daughters.

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