Dr. Sammy Sinno

Dr. Sammy Sinno, MD

[Specialty: ]
737 N Michigan Avenue #1500, Chicago, Illinois, 60611, USA(312) 788-2560https://www.drthomasmustoe.com/about-us/meet-dr-sinno/
(More feedback needed)
Chicago, Illinois, 60611,
(312) 788-2560

Dr. Jeanine Downie – ALASTIN SKIN CARE

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As a native of Chicago joining one of the top plastic surgeons in the nation, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sammy Sinno returns to the city after honing his skills at one of the country’s premiere plastic surgery training programs. Dr. Sinno’s contributions to the aesthetic surgery field through research and numerous publications have already established him as a thought leader and set him apart from other young plastic surgeons in the Chicago area.

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