Dr. Robert H. Cohen

Dr. Robert H. Cohen,

[Specialty: ]
Los Angeles, California, 90025 , USA(310) 443-5273http://westsidemedicalspa.com/
Dr. Robert H. Cohen (1)
5 Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Los Angeles, California, 90025 ,
(310) 443-5273

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Dr. Robert H. Cohen has over 20 years experience in cosmetic surgery and in non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Dr. Cohen completed his undergraduate degree in Neurophysiology at University of California San Diego and earned his M.D. at The Chicago Medical School. He went on to do a research fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at UCLA and a clinical fellowship under the renowned Beverly Hills surgeon Dr. Bernard Koire. Dr. Koire is an internationally acclaimed Cosmetic Surgeon and forefather to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.
Dr. Robert H. Cohen 5
has given a 5 out of 5 star rating on
Dr. Cohen is an experienced and excellent aesthetic practitioner and a compassionate physician. His cosmetic outcomes are first rate and he is deservedly beloved by his colleagues and patients.
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