Dr. Marilyn Miller

Dr. Marilyn Miller, MD

[Specialty: ]
Illinois, USA3129966500
Dr. Marilyn Miller (1)
5 Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars
Illinois, USA

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Dr. Miller has a longstanding interest in international ophthalmology and has participated in educational activities in areas of Nigeria, India, Asia and various parts of South American. She was awarded an honorary degree from the University of Göteborg in Sweden for her research of congenital anomalies and teratogens, drugs that cause abnormal fetal development. She received the Howe Medal from the American Ophthalmological Society. The Howe Medal denotes distinguished service in ophthalmology. First awarded in 1922, Dr. Miller is only the third woman to receive this honor. In addition, Dr. Miller received the Marshall M. Parks, MD, Silver Medal from the Children’s Eye Foundation, the foundation of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. She joined the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary faculty in 1965. Dr. Miller is board certified in ophthalmology.
Dr. Marilyn Miller 5
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Dr. Miller is the doyenne of pediatric ophthalmology in Chicago, having helped thousands of patients and mentored hundreds of residents and fellows.
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