Dr. Lucinda Harris, MD is a Gastroenterology Specialist in Phoenix, AZ and has over 42 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Harris has more experience with Esophageal Disorders than other specialists in her area. She graduated from Comm Health University Conn medical school in 1979. She is affiliated with Mayo Clinic Hospital. She is accepting new patients and has indicated that she accepts telehealth appointments. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Harris to book an appointment
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Dr. Lucinda A. Harris5
Sheryl Clark
has given a 5 out of 5 star rating on
February 1, 2021
I have known Dr. Harris professionally for almost 20 years, since we were both full-time professors at Weill Cornell Medical Center/The New York Presbyterian Hospital. She is now at The Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, where she teaches, sees patients and conducts research. She is a national speaker at gastroenterology conferences and is known for her expertise in GERD, among other gastrointestinal disorders. Lucinda is a straight-shooter, completely and tirelessly dedicated to the well-being of her patients above all else. She is the consummate professional and I would not hesitate to entrust her with my or my family member’s health.