Dr. Eric Ellingsen

Dr. Eric Ellingsen, DDS

[Specialty: ]
6817 N Cedar Rd Ste 201, Spokane, Washington, 99208, USA509-326-8170https://www.smilesourcespokane.com/north-side-wa/
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Spokane, Washington, 99208,

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Dr. Eric Ellingsen is a lifelong resident of Spokane and has been practicing dentistry in the Spokane Valley since 1997. As a founding member of Smile Source Spokane, Dr. Ellingsen has enjoyed the ability to care for individuals and their smiles over the years and keep them in optimum health. He consistently completes over twice the yearly requirement of continuing education, enabling him to always keep abreast of new procedures or perhaps just a better way to make your visit more enjoyable.

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