Dr. David Novis

Dr. David Novis, MD FCAP

[Specialty: ]
18 Toon Lane, Durham, New Hampshire, 03861, USA(603) 380 9164https://davidnovis.com/
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Durham, New Hampshire, 03861,
(603) 380 9164

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Dr. Novis has practiced Laboratory Medicine and Pathology for over 30 years. He has considerable experience in providing and evaluating laboratory services, laboratory medical directorships, and pathology services. He is an author and lecturer on clinical quality, medical outcome assessment, patient safety, medical service delivery and best practices methodologies. Dr. Novis has served as a Trustee of Wentworth Douglass Hospital. In 2005, he was named Outstanding Trustee of the Year by the New Hampshire Hospital Association. He is an Adviser to the University of New Hampshire Department of Health Management & Policy, the Legislative and Political Affairs Adviser to the New Hampshire Society of Pathologists, Past President of the New Hampshire Society of Pathologists, and former Speaker of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) House of Delegates and member of  the CAP Board of Governors. Dr. Novis is a CAP laboratory accreditation inspector team leader and has inspected laboratories in the US, UK and India.  In 2013 he received the CAP’s President’s Honors Award.

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