Dr. Carri Gradt

Dr. Carri Gradt, DMD

[Specialty: ]
1600 Kenaston Blvd #140, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 0Y4, Canada2044876453Visit Website
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 0Y4,

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Dr. Gradt, a Winnipeg native, earned a Bachelor of Science and graduated with honors in dentistry in 1999 from the University of Manitoba. She received awards in pediatric dentistry and mentored students while teaching at the university. For 13 years, she worked at Grand Smiles and provided dental care in rural Manitoba. Now, she manages two Grand Smiles locations in Winnipeg, focusing on patient care and healthy smiles. Outside of work, she enjoys time with her husband and two boys, often at sports events, as well as golfing, camping, hiking, and reading.

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