How Doctors’ Choice Awards Works

How It Works

Step 1: Register A User Account

First and foremost, register a user account at Doctors’ Choice Awards (DCA). To do so, go to the registration page and follow these steps:

  • Enter your personal details like Name, Email Address, Password etc.
  • You are registered now. You will also receive a confirmation email along with instructions on creating your DCA Nominee Profile (Step 2 below)

Step 2: Add Your DCA Nominee Profile

Once you create a user account, you can add your DCA Nominee Profile by following these steps.

  • Make sure you are logged in. You can login here
  • Select your specialty (Dermatology, Plastic Surgery etc.)
  • Add your details (Name, Credentials, Practice Name, Biography etc.)
  • Add your profile photo. A picture speaks a thousand words. So a photo taken by a professional is recommended
  • Done. Your profile will be available online instantly. You will be shown your profile URL with more details. You will also receive an email of the same
  • Every profile page will have a badge. We give out the code once a doctor reaches three reviews. The badge can be used on websites, newsletters, email signatures, social media etc. highlighting the fact that you have been chosen as a nominee for the Doctors’ Choice Awards.

Step 3: Promote Your DCA Nominee Profile

It’s time to tell your colleagues, patients and the world about your new DCA Nominee Profile.

  • Share your profile page with doctors who know you – your teachers, colleagues, classmates and even referring doctors
  • Share your profile on your social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter
  • Use your DCA Nominee Profile link in your email signature, business cards, letterheads, advertisements etc.
  • Add a widget to your website using our widget generator

Step 4: Be Eligible For Awards

Doctors’ Choice Awards program, as the name suggests, award various titles to doctors who are chosen by other doctors. By having a DCA Nominee Profile and getting at least three reviews from other doctors, you qualify for the awards program. To be a winner and get an awards:

  • Get as many reviews from other doctors to your Nominee Profile
  • These doctors can rate you on a scale of 1 to 5 and also write a testimonial about you on your profile page
  • Every month end, we select the top doctors in each specialty who received the highest reviews in that month. Top doctor will be awarded a badge on their profile page
  • Every 1st day of January we select both City Winners and a National Winner, based on the quality and quantity of reviews each doctor has received from other doctors for the year passed
  • All these badges can be used to show your accomplishments


  1. Why should I use the Doctors’ Choice Award badge on my website and social media?
    88% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. With 7 out of 10 consumers taking positive action to contact a doctor after they read reviews, we see the significance of having a positive online reputation. Who could review you better than peers within your own field? This is where the Doctors’ Choice Awards comes in to help you get expert reviews to showcase to your potential consumers. By using your badge and profile page effectively, you can make it easy for your prospective patients to choose you over your competition.
  2. How are the National and City Winners selected every year?
    Every 1st day of January we select city winners and a national winner based on the quality and quantity of reviews each doctor has received from other doctors by 31st December every year.
  3. What do I receive if I win the National Award/ City Award for the year?
    The National Award Winner will be featured in our media blitz and receive a personalized National Doctors’ Choice Award Winner badge and a digital certificate. All City Winners will be mentioned in our media blitz and will also receive their personalized Doctors’ Choice Award City Winner Badge and digital certificate. Click here to read more.
  4. How is the Top Doctor of the Month selected?
    Depending on the number of reviews you receive during the month compared to other doctors on the site you can be a Top Doctor for the month. This means that you will be featured on our home page throughout month. We will create a badge to highlight your achievement. Display the badge on our website, social media, and other marketing materials to tell the world that you are a Top Doctor!

Once you have registered, feel free to share your profile link with colleagues, referring doctors and friends (doctors) and have them review you.

Do you have any other questions? Please feel free to drop us an email at or use the contact us form and we will get back to you within a day.