Restore oral health, overall well-being with pain-free tooth extraction in Central HK

Painless Tooth Extraction Central HK

Creating beautiful smiles through holistic dentistry is at the heart of Dr. Titania Tong’s office. As a holistic dental practice, every effort is made to retain a patient’s natural teeth. The most conservative technique is recommended to preserve natural tooth structure if that treatment is also the healthiest option. In some cases, pain-free tooth extraction in Central HK at Dr. Tong’s office may be the most appropriate way to restore an attractive smile, oral health, and overall wellbeing.

For instance, root canal treatment is often described as the way to “save” very damaged or infected teeth; however, treatment involves removing the infected pulp at the tooth’s centre, and then cleaning and disinfecting the area. While Dr. Tong uses ozone (in the form of chemical-free ozonized water and ozone gas) to clear the infection and to prevent re-infection, root canal therapy can’t remove 100 percent of the bacteria within the tooth.

A member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Dr. Tong knows that the bacteria left behind release toxins, which give rise to chronic infections. These infections have been linked in scientific literature to systemic conditions that affect the rest of the body, from heart disease to autoimmune disorders. Additionally, damage to the affected tooth can be so severe that root canal therapy isn’t even an option. In these cases, Dr. Tong may recommend removing the tooth and replacing it with a safe and durable bridge or implant-supported crown that replicates the appearance, feel, and function of a healthy natural tooth.

Some patients have benefited from Dr. Tong’s gentle extraction techniques when their third molars (or wisdom teeth) don’t erupt or break through the gums. If they become trapped partially or fully underneath the gum tissue, wisdom teeth extraction may be recommended. Dr. Tong monitors how teeth are developing during routine recall appointments. So, by identifying problems early and intervening accordingly, you avoid the pain and other symptoms associated with impacted wisdom teeth.

Regardless of your need to resolve a bad infection or to remove an impacted tooth, all extractions at our office are gentle. Dr. Tong takes some of the following special steps to ensure your comfort, as extractions should relieve pain stemming from conditions – not produce more discomfort:

  • All treatments start with application of a topical anaesthetic.
  • Due to Dr. Tong’s light-handed approach, patients don’t feel the anaesthetic as it’s being administered.
  • Dr.Tong is precise; the effects of the numbing medication are isolated to the treatment site.
  • A combination of gentle techniques and precision administration help to ensure treatment is painless and doesn’t result in lingering numbness or side effects.
  •  Safe oral sedatives or IV sedation is also available for patients who may desire an extra layer of emotional comfort. Oral sedation (pills taken by mouth) allow you to remain conscious during the procedure, only very relaxed and without a care about treatment.
  • IV sedation may be appropriate for complex or lengthy procedures and is administered and closely monitored by our anaesthetist.
  • Teeth are removed using the gentlest techniques; for instance, dividing each tooth into smaller sections as needed for the easiest extraction possible.

Dr. Tong and her team will also discuss ways to ensure you heal in a healthy and efficient manner after treatment. They can recommend a range of holistic products to accompany your healthy recovery. Contact Dr. Tong and her experienced team in Central Hongkong to learn more about safe, pain-free tooth extractions.

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