General dental treatments available in Central Hong Kong

General Dental Treatments Central HK

Good oral hygiene and regular dental visits for cleanings and checkups can go a long way towards a healthy smile. Through preventive, general dental treatments, many patients can avoid extra time in the dental chair due to tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health concerns. However, sometimes certain factors beyond your control, such as hormones, accidents, and even the natural ageing process, can cause problems that require more extensive dental care. At the dental practice of Dr. Titania Tong in Central Hong Kong, we provide a variety of gentle, holistic general dental treatments designed to prevent and treat oral health problems.

 Preventive and restorative care

Our main goal is to keep your smile healthy. When your teeth and gums are healthy and free from disease, it can improve not only your overall health and well-being but also the appearance of your smile. Some of the most common preventive and restorative general dental treatments used to achieve and maintain healthy teeth and gums include:

  • Comprehensive dental checkups to identify and address developing issues at the earliest stage possible
  • Tooth-colored, mercury-free fillings that blend in with your smile
  • Dental extractions, including wisdom teeth removal
  • Beautiful, natural-looking dental restorations such as porcelain crowns
  • Tooth replacement choices such as dental bridges and dentures
  • Nutritional counselling to aid in your oral health and overall wellness
  • Therapy for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder

 A gentle touch and compassionate care

If you have been experiencing pain or other signs of oral health problems, then it is essential to see your dentist for an evaluation and treatment as soon as possible. Because the earlier you identify and treat a problem, the easier (and less costly!) it is to treat. Even if you are not feeling any pain or discomfort in your teeth or gums, it is essential to regularly see your dentist for professional cleanings to remove disease-causing plaque, bacteria, and tartar from your teeth.

Dr. Titania Tong understands that not every patient shares her love of dentistry! Many patients experience some degree of dental fear or anxiety. Dr. Tong provides compassionate care using a gentle touch and the latest technologies to keep you comfortable and pain-free during your treatment. In addition, Dr. Tong offers sedation dentistry when needed to help patients feel calm and relaxed during their visit.

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