What Cosmetic Dental Veneers can do for your smile

Cosmetic Dentist for Veneers Central HK

Your smile is an important part of how you communicate with others. If you feel like it isn’t sending the right message due to stains, chips, cracks, or other aesthetic issues, there are many cosmetic dentistry options to help enhance your smile so you can be proud to show it off. One of the quickest ways to completely change the appearance of your smile is veneers. Dr. Titania Tong, a dentist in Central, HK, explains how veneers work and their benefits for your smile. 

How veneers can enhance your smile

 Veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment that is designed to hide imperfections in your teeth, such as: 

  • Small gaps
  • Crooked teeth
  • Asymmetry 
  • Oddly shaped teeth
  • Teeth that are smaller than others
  • Worn-down teeth
  • Chips
  • Minor cracks
  • Permanent stains that are resistant to whitening

 Many patients find that their self-confidence is increased after their smile transformation with veneers, which can have a positive ripple effect on the rest of their lives.  

Porcelain vs. composite resin veneers

Most patients opt for veneers that are made from dental porcelain. This material looks like natural teeth and is very durable and stain-resistant, providing long-lasting results if you take good care of your teeth at home and regularly visit the dentist for cleanings. For porcelain veneers, very thin shells of porcelain are custom-shaped and shaded for your unique smile and then bonded to your teeth. 

Composite veneers are an alternative, however, these are not stain resistant and they are not as strong. They discolor with time and are less durable so requiring more maintenance and replacement is required more often.

 Am I a good candidate?

Veneers can be a wonderful cosmetic treatment option for people with aesthetic issues with their smile but otherwise healthy teeth and gums. If you have issues such as cavities or gum disease, your dentist may recommend that you treat those prior to the placement of veneers to reduce the chance that the veneers need to be removed later on to address oral health problems. 

Your dentist can answer any questions you have about the veneer placement process and whether you are a good candidate. 

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